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Pool inspection self-assessment checklists

Pool inspection self-assessment checklists

To find the right self-assessment checklist you will need to know a few things about your pool:

  • When was it built or installed?

  • If the pool fence or means of access to the pool was substantially rebuilt or altered, when did that last occur?

  • What type of pool do you have - indoor? spa pool? outdoor? portable?

  • Was the pool built before 1 July 2010. If so, the rules are different if you have:

    • a waterfront property,

    • a small-sized property (less than 230 square metres)

    • or a large property (over 2 hectares).

Which pool barrier self-assessment checklist do I use?

Indoor Pool

This checklist for all indoor pools, including spas that do not have a   lockable child-resistant lid


This checklist for all Spa pools except indoor spa pools

Outdoor Pool 1

This checklist for outdoor pools built before 1 September 2008 that are not   on waterfront, large-sized or small-sized properties

Outdoor Pool 2

This checklist for outdoor pools that were built between 1 September 2008 and 30 April 2013 that are not waterfront,  large-sized or small-sized properties

Applies to all pools built between 1 July 2010   and 30 April 2013 regardless of property type

Outdoor Pool 3

This checklist for outdoor pools built after 1 May 2013

Portable or Inflatable Pool

This checklist for all portable or inflatable pools

Outdoor Pool - Waterfront Property

This checklist for outdoor pools that are not spas or portable/inflatable   pools built on waterfront properties

Outdoor Pool - Large Property

This checklist for outdoor pools that are not spas or portable/inflatable   pools that are built on properties of 2   hectares or greater in size

Outdoor Pool - Small Property

This checklist for all outdoor pools that are not spas or portable/inflatable   pools built on properties that are   less than 230sqm in size

Note: These self-assessment checklists are provided to give you an indication about whether or not your pool barrier meets the requirements in NSW. A professional inspector will use a more comprehensive and technical checklist that may result in a different outcome.

NSW Swimming Pools Register

Pool owners

Swimming pool and spa pool owners are required to register their pools on an online Register to be provided by the NSW State Government. Owners are required to self-assess and state that their pool complies with the applicable standards when registering.

The NSW Swimming Pool Register is available for use at Owners must register their pools.  Owners may also register their pools via their local council.

Owners may apply for a Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate from their local councils or an accredited certifier so they are in a position to confidently register their pool. However, there is a fee payable for this service.

A Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate is valid for 3 years.

New Pools

If you are installing a new pool, you should ask the pool installer to provide a Compliance Certificate prior to making the last payment for the pool.

Selling your property

From 29 April 2016 pool owners who wish to sell their property must apply and obtain a Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate to be attached to the contract for sale.

Pools on strata property

An Owners Corporation is also required to register any pool on the common property. It is advisable that they apply for a Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate. This also applies to properties in community and neighbourhood schemes.


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